Libraries are amazing places full of information and knowledge. Librarians are the gatekeepers of this information and are happy to help you find what you need. Next time you’re in the library, don’t be afraid to ask a librarian for help. Here are a few questions you can ask them to get you started.
73 Questions you can ask a librarian:
- How long have you been a librarian?
- What made you want to become a librarian?
- What is your favorite part about being a librarian?
- Do you have any specialties or areas of interest?
- What are some of the most frequently asked questions you get?
- What are some of the most interesting questions you’ve been asked?
- What kinds of things do people come to the library for help with?
- Do you have any funny or memorable stories from your time as a librarian?
- Who are some of your favorite authors?
- What are some of your favorite books?
- Are there any new authors or books that you’re really excited about right now?
- What are some good resources for people who want to learn more about X (e.g., gardening, genealogy, history, etc.)?
- Where should I go if I’m looking for newspapers?
- Where should I go if I’m looking for magazines?
- Where should I go if I’m looking for e-books?
- Where should I go if I’m looking for audiobooks?
- Can you recommend any good websites for X (e.g., kids, teens, parents, etc.)?
- Do you have any other tips or advice for people who want to get the most out of their library visits?
- Can you help me find reliable sources for my research paper?
- I’m looking for a book/movie/music album but I don’t know the title or author. Can you help me?
- Where can I find newspapers/magazines?
- Where can I find government documents?
- How do I check out these materials?
- Can I renew my books online?
- When is your library open?
- What services do you offer?
- Do you have WiFi?
- Do you have any programs for kids/teens/adults?
- What kind of events does your library host?
- Can you recommend any good books/movies/websites?
- What resources and services do your library offer?
- How can I access your library’s resources if I’m not able to come in person?
- How can I find out about upcoming events at the library?
- Do you have any study spaces available?
- Are there any quiet areas in the library where I can read or work?
- Does your library have a meeting room that I can reserve for my group?
- What kind of materials can I check out from the library (e.g., books, DVDs, etc.)?
- How long can I keep these materials before they need to be returned?
- Do you have any recommendations for what I should read/watch next?
- How can I renew my materials online?
- Do you have any reference books that I can use for my research project?
- Where can I find reliable sources of information on the internet?
- What are your hours?
- What services do you offer?
- How much does it cost to print?
- Can I bring my own printer paper?
- Do you have a photocopier?
- Can I make copies of documents?
- Can I scan documents?
- Do you have a fax machine?
- Can I send or receive faxes at the library?
- Do you offer computer classes?
- What software is installed on the computers?
- Can I install my own software on the computer?
- Do you have laptops that I can check out?
- How many items can I check out at one time?
- How long can I keep items checked out?
- What happens if I return an item late?
- Do you offer interlibrary loan services?
- Do you have a book club that I can join?
- How can I find books on a specific topic?
- How can I find journal articles on a specific topic?
- How do I access the online catalog?
- How do I find e-books?
- What databases should I use for my research?
- How do I cite sources?
- How can I get help if I’m having trouble using the library website?
- Where is the reference desk?
- Where are the computers?
- Where is the self-checkout machine?
- Is there a lost and found?
- Who can I talk to about becoming a library volunteer?
- Who can I talk to about making a donation to the library?
Frequently Asked Questions
What do librarians actually do?
Librarians are information professionals who manage library resources and services. They work in a variety of settings, including public, academic, and special libraries. Librarians help people find the information they need, teach them how to use information effectively, and promote reading and literacy.
Why do schools need librarians?
Schools need librarians to ensure that all students have equal access to information and ideas. Librarians help teachers integrate information literacy into their curricula and work with students to develop research skills.
Librarians also provide a variety of resources and services that support learning, including books, magazines, newspapers, audiovisual materials, computers, and the Internet.
Librarians are great people who love nothing more than helping others find the information they need. Next time you’re curious or need help, ask your friendly neighborhood librarian!