42 Best Idioms for Making Things Better

Have you ever wondered how to “turn lemons into lemonade” or “make a silk purse from a sow’s ear?”

If you’re intrigued by these curious phrases, you might be interested in exploring the world of idioms about making things better. It’s a fascinating universe of language that entails both vivid imagination and striking practicality.

So sit tight and get ready to improve your idiom vocabulary while also learning how to make the best out of any situation you face!

Starting new and Personal Growth

1. Turn over a new leaf

This idiom refers to the act of starting over or making a fresh start, especially in terms of personal behavior or habits. The phrase draws its inspiration from a new leaf on a tree, symbolizing renewal and new beginnings.

When someone says they are “turning over a new leaf,” they are expressing a desire or commitment to change and improve in some way.

2. Pull oneself up by the bootstraps

Originally referring to an impossible task (since it’s physically impossible to lift yourself by your own bootstraps), this phrase has come to symbolize self-reliance and achieving something with little or no external help.

It praises the values of hard work, determination, and initiative, often in the face of challenges or adversity.

3. Clean up one’s act

To “clean up one’s act” means to improve one’s behavior, attitude, or habits. This idiom often implies that there was previously some wrongdoing or problematic behavior that needs to be rectified. It paints a vivid picture of someone taking the time to eliminate the negative aspects of their life and make a positive change.

4. Go from strength to strength

This phrase describes the process of continuously improving or becoming more successful. It suggests a journey or progression where each step or phase is better or stronger than the one before. It’s often used to highlight someone’s consistent growth and development in a particular field or endeavor.

5. Brush up on

To “brush up on” something means to review or practice a particular skill or set of knowledge after not having used or studied it for a while. The idiom creates an image of removing dust or bringing something back to its original shine, implying that the subject is not entirely new but needs a bit of refreshment.

6. Dust off

This idiom refers to bringing something old or unused back into action or consideration. Like “brush up on,” it draws on the imagery of removing dust from an item, suggesting that it has been neglected or overlooked for some time but is now being reintroduced or reconsidered.

7. Turn things on their head

This phrase means to completely reverse or alter the way something is perceived, done, or understood. It creates an image of inversion, suggesting a dramatic shift or change in perspective, approach, or status quo, often leading to unexpected or innovative outcomes.

8. From rags to riches

This idiom tells the tale of someone who starts from a position of extreme poverty or hardship and achieves great wealth or success. It epitomizes the classic success story, emphasizing the possibility of achieving the American Dream or the idea that anyone, regardless of their background, can succeed if they work hard and persevere.

Building and Mending Relationships

1. Bury the hatchet

Originating from a Native American custom, this idiom denotes the act of making peace or settling a dispute. When two parties decide to “bury the hatchet,” they are choosing to forget past disagreements and move forward in harmony.

In modern usage, it signifies a desire to reconcile differences and let go of grudges or past animosities.

2. Clear the air

To “clear the air” means to address and resolve misunderstandings or tensions, resulting in a more open and comfortable environment. This idiom suggests the act of getting rid of pollutants or obstructions in the air, leading to a fresher atmosphere.

When applied in interpersonal contexts, it indicates the importance of open communication to ensure mutual understanding and a harmonious relationship.

3. Bridge the gap

This idiom refers to the act of connecting or bringing together two points, ideas, or groups that are otherwise distanced or different. Like a physical bridge that connects two pieces of land, “bridging the gap” often means finding common ground, solutions, or understanding between opposing viewpoints or disparate entities.

4. Patch things up

To “patch things up” is to repair or mend a relationship, situation, or problem that has been damaged or strained. Drawing an image of patching up a hole or tear, this idiom suggests that while the damage might not be entirely forgotten, efforts are made to restore things to a state of functionality or harmony.

5. Build bridges

Building bridges denotes the act of fostering good relationships or creating connections between individuals or groups. This idiom emphasizes the positive and proactive efforts taken to promote understanding, collaboration, and unity.

In a world filled with divisions and differences, the act of building bridges is crucial for mutual growth and harmony.

Opportunity and Taking Action

1. Get the ball rolling

This idiom refers to the act of initiating an action or process. Much like how pushing a ball starts its movement, “getting the ball rolling” signifies the beginning of an endeavor or project.

It underscores the importance of taking the first step to ensure momentum and progress, especially when there’s an opportunity or need for change.

2. Strike while the iron is hot

Derived from the world of blacksmithing, this phrase means to act decisively and quickly when an opportunity presents itself. Just as a blacksmith must strike the iron when it’s heated to the right temperature, individuals should seize the moment when conditions are most favorable.

It highlights the value of timely action and making the most out of favorable circumstances.

3. Take the plunge

To “take the plunge” means to commit to a significant decision or action, especially one that might be risky or outside one’s comfort zone. The idiom evokes the image of diving into water, representing the idea of immersing oneself fully into a new situation or challenge.

It’s often used in the context of major life decisions, encouraging courage and decisive action.

4. Sink or swim

This phrase speaks to a situation where one must either succeed by their own efforts or fail entirely. It paints a vivid picture of being thrown into the water, where the options are to either learn to swim quickly or risk drowning.

In broader contexts, it’s used to describe situations where individuals face challenges with little to no support, emphasizing the importance of adaptability and resilience.

5. Hit the nail on the head

To “hit the nail on the head” means to describe a situation or solve a problem with exactness and accuracy. Just as hitting a nail directly on its head is the most effective way to drive it into the wood, getting to the crux of an issue or making a spot-on observation is celebrated as a mark of precision and insight.

This idiom often praises someone’s ability to pinpoint the core of a matter or offer a perfect solution.

Endurance and Overcoming Challenges

1. Light at the end of the tunnel

This optimistic idiom signifies hope or a solution after a long period of hardship or adversity. The imagery suggests a journey through a dark tunnel, with the emerging light symbolizing the nearing end of challenges.

When someone sees a “light at the end of the tunnel,” they have found reasons to believe that their situation will improve or come to a successful conclusion.

2. Land on one’s feet

To “land on one’s feet” means to recover gracefully from adversities or to end up in a good situation despite facing challenges. Much like a cat that often lands upright despite falling, the phrase denotes resilience, adaptability, and the ability to navigate through difficulties successfully.

3. Ride out the storm

This maritime-inspired idiom indicates enduring or surviving a challenging or turbulent period. Just as ships brave through storms, “riding out the storm” underscores the importance of resilience and patience in the face of adversity.

It suggests that challenges, like storms, are temporary and can be overcome with perseverance.

4. Out of the woods

Originally referring to physically navigating out of a dense forest or woods, this phrase has come to symbolize emerging from a difficult or complicated situation. If someone is “out of the woods,” they’ve made it through the most challenging part of a problem, though there might still be more to address or handle.

5. Wear many hats

This idiom describes someone who takes on multiple roles or responsibilities. Like someone changing hats for different tasks, a person who “wears many hats” is versatile and capable of handling various jobs or duties, often simultaneously. It emphasizes adaptability and multifaceted skill sets.

6. Stem the tide

To “stem the tide” means to halt the course or reverse the flow of an unfavorable situation. Drawing from the imagery of stopping the powerful movement of the tides, this idiom emphasizes efforts made to prevent a negative outcome or change a situation’s direction for the better.

7. Break the back of

This forceful idiom refers to overcoming the hardest part of a task or problem. When one has “broken the back” of a challenge, they’ve surmounted its most difficult phase, making subsequent parts seem easier or more manageable in comparison.

8. Leave no stone unturned

This idiom embodies thoroughness and the commitment to explore every possibility or avenue. It suggests that one should examine all aspects of a situation or make all possible efforts to achieve a goal.

When someone is leaving “no stone unturned,” they’re doing everything in their power to ensure success or find answers.

Improvement and Achievement

1. Raise the bar

This idiom signifies setting a higher standard or challenging oneself and others to achieve better results. By “raising the bar,” the expectation or level of required performance is increased. This can motivate individuals or groups to improve their skills or efficiency to meet the new standards.

2. The sky’s the limit

This optimistic phrase suggests that there are no limits to potential or possibilities. When someone says “the sky’s the limit,” they mean that there are unlimited opportunities or that someone can achieve anything they set their mind to. It’s a way to encourage boundless aspirations.

3. Work wonders

To “work wonders” means to have a remarkable or beneficial effect on something. Whether it’s a remedy that clears up a problem or an approach that significantly improves a situation, this idiom highlights effectiveness that might even seem miraculous.

4. Gain ground

This phrase suggests making progress or advancing in a particular area or situation. Originally a military term denoting territory acquisition, “gain ground” in broader contexts signifies forward movement or incremental success in any endeavor.

5. Shift gears

Derived from the act of changing gears in vehicles, this idiom means to change one’s approach or strategy. It emphasizes the ability to adapt to new situations, redirect focus, or modify tactics as needed.

6. Ramp-up

To “ramp up” means to increase or intensify something in scale or rate. Whether it’s production in a factory or efforts in a campaign, this idiom denotes an acceleration or upscaling of activities to achieve a particular goal.

7. Fine-tune

This phrase means to make small adjustments to something to optimize its performance or accuracy. Like tuning an instrument to produce the correct sound, “fine-tuning” in various contexts refers to refining processes, strategies, or products for better results.

8. Bring to fruition

This idiom signifies the act of realizing or accomplishing a plan, idea, or goal. Much like nurturing a tree until it bears fruit, “bringing to fruition” means seeing something through to its successful conclusion or desired outcome.

9. Silver lining

This phrase suggests a positive aspect or hopeful side to a situation, even if it’s not immediately apparent. Originating from the idea that every dark cloud has a silver edge or lining, it highlights the ability to find optimism or a brighter perspective amid challenges.

10. Go from strength to strength

This idiom describes the process of continuously improving or becoming more successful. It suggests a progression in which each phase or step is better or more robust than the last, often used to mark consistent growth or development.

11. A shot in the arm

This phrase denotes something that stimulates or gives renewed energy or enthusiasm to a situation or individual. Just as a medicinal shot can boost health, “a shot in the arm” in various contexts can refer to anything that rejuvenates, encourages, or enhances momentum.

Versatility and Exploration

1. Turn on a dime

This idiomatic expression has its roots in vehicular contexts, referring to an ability to change direction very quickly. Applied more broadly, it signals a rapid, thorough change in a situation or behavior.

For example, it is often used in business contexts to illustrate a company swiftly altering its strategy in response to changing market conditions.

2. Spread one’s wings

Spreading one’s wings is a popular idiom evoking the imagery of a bird learning to fly. This phrase signifies the process of becoming independent, taking on new responsibilities, or discovering and exploring new opportunities.

It’s often used in the context of personal growth, learning new skills, or embarking upon new ventures with increased self-confidence.

3. Break new ground

To break new ground predominantly suggests pioneering an undertaking or setting about a project or initiative that hasn’t been explored or done before.

Derived from the field of agriculture, where fresh land is plowed to grow new crops, this idiom might be used in a variety of contexts, including technology, where a company may “break new ground” with a revolutionary product.

4. Find one’s footing

The idiom “find one’s footing” implies becoming comfortable in a new situation or gaining proficiency in a new role. It involves the process of understanding and adapting to a new setting, akin to finding stable ground beneath one’s feet after moving on uneven or unfamiliar terrain.

It could refer to an employee starting a new job, for instance, gradually learning their responsibilities and adapting to the company culture.

5. In full swing

Something “in full swing” refers to an event, activity, or project in its most active, lively, or productive stage. Originating from the motion of a pendulum, the phrase can be used for things as diverse as a party being at its most lively or a project being in its most productive phase.

It suggests full-fledged activity or progress and often carries a positive connotation.

6. The whole nine yards

To go “the whole nine yards” represents the act of trying one’s utmost capacity or doing everything possible to achieve something. It conveys the idea of making the maximum amount of effort or going to great lengths to ensure an effort succeeds.

Its origins are widely debated; regardless, it is often used in contexts where thoroughness and full commitment are demanded.

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Aerielle Ezra is an enthusiastic student of architecture who has a wide range of interests, including psychology, lifestyle, and relationships. Apart from her studies, she also likes to engage in athletic activities, particularly volleyball. When she is not playing, she spends her free time watching her preferred sitcoms or reading her favorite books, which include fiction, science fiction, fantasy, and horror.