114 Questions to Ask During a Fire Station Visit

Ever wondered what firefighters do every day or how to make your home safer? By visiting a fire station, you get to explore these questions and more.

Just come with this list of questions ready, and learn cool stuff about our local heroes and how to protect yourself and others. It’s a great way to see what firefighting is all about and to thank those who keep us safe.

Firefighter Daily Life

  1. What inspired you to become a firefighter?
  2. How do you train for an emergency?
  3. What’s your daily routine in the station?
  4. Can you describe a memorable rescue operation?
  5. How do you stay fit for duty?
  6. How often do you practice fire drills?
  7. What’s the most challenging part of your job?
  8. What do you enjoy the most about firefighting?
  9. How do you balance work and personal life?
  10. Do you have a specialty in firefighting?
  11. How long have you been a firefighter?
  12. What’s a common misconception about your job?
  13. How do you prepare for a shift?
  14. What advice would you give to an aspiring firefighter?
  15. Are there different roles within the station?
  16. What’s the best part of your day?
  17. Have you ever been injured on the job?
  18. How do you deal with stressful situations?
  19. What do you wish more people knew about firefighting?

Fire Safety Tips

  1. What’s the number one fire safety tip you can offer?
  2. How often should smoke detectors be tested?
  3. Can you explain the “Stop, Drop, and Roll” technique?
  4. What should every household’s fire plan include?
  5. How should flammable liquids be stored at home?
  6. What’s the safest way to use a fireplace or wood stove?
  7. How can I teach my children about fire safety?
  8. What are some common fire hazards in homes?
  9. Is there a safe way to put out a grease fire?
  10. How important is it to have a fire extinguisher at home?
  11. What should we do if we smell gas in our house?
  12. How do you properly dispose of smoking materials?
  13. What’s the best way to escape a burning building?
  14. How can you prevent electrical fires?
  15. Should doors be kept open or closed to prevent fire from spreading?
  16. What items should be in a home fire safety kit?
  17. Does every family member need to know where fire exits are?
  18. How do you safely evacuate pets during a fire?
  19. What’s the proper maintenance for a home sprinkler system?

Emergency Response Insights

  1. How do you prioritize calls?
  2. What’s the average response time to an emergency?
  3. Can you walk us through the steps you take upon receiving a call?
  4. How does communication work in an emergency?
  5. What determines the type of equipment you use for a call?
  6. How do you stay calm under pressure?
  7. What’s the protocol for major vs. minor emergencies?
  8. How do you work with other emergency services?
  9. How has emergency response evolved over time?
  10. What’s the process after extinguishing a fire?
  11. How do you train for different emergency scenarios?
  12. What’s the most common type of emergency you face?
  13. How are emergency routes planned?
  14. How do you ensure the safety of your team during a call?
  15. Can civilians assist during an emergency?
  16. What role does technology play in emergency response?
  17. How do you de-escalate panicked individuals at a scene?
  18. What’s something unexpected about emergency response work?
  19. How do you recover from a particularly tough call?

Gear and Trucks

  1. Can you explain the different types of fire trucks?
  2. What’s the lifespan of your firefighting gear?
  3. How often is the equipment inspected or replaced?
  4. What’s the most essential piece of gear for you?
  5. What training is required to operate a fire truck?
  6. How is a fire hose maintained?
  7. Can you demonstrate how you put on your gear?
  8. What improvements to gear are you excited about?
  9. How heavy is the gear you wear?
  10. What’s the function of the various truck features?
  11. How do you ensure gear is always ready for use?
  12. Are there special tools for specific emergencies?
  13. What gear is used for non-fire-related emergencies?
  14. How do you clean and store equipment after use?
  15. What personal items do you carry on the truck?
  16. How do trucks communicate with each other during a call?
  17. What’s contained in a firefighter’s personal protective equipment?
  18. How has gear evolved to better protect firefighters?
  19. What’s involved in the daily check of a fire truck?

Fire Station Tour

  1. Can you take us through a typical fire station layout?
  2. What’s this room/area used for in the station?
  3. How do you manage overnight shifts?
  4. What kind of meals do you cook in the station kitchen?
  5. How does the station support community events?
  6. What’s the history of this particular fire station?
  7. How do you ensure the station remains operationally ready?
  8. Are there any eco-friendly practices in place at the station?
  9. How can the community help support the fire station?
  10. What are the sleeping arrangements like?
  11. Do you have any special traditions in the station?
  12. How do you maintain cleanliness and order in the station?
  13. Is there a designated training area in the station?
  14. Can you describe the alert system used in the station?
  15. What kind of community outreach does the station do?
  16. How does this station differ from others in the city?
  17. What’s the oldest piece of equipment in the station?
  18. How is the station funded?
  19. Do you offer any public classes or workshops here?

Community Fire Education

  1. What programs do you offer to educate the public?
  2. How can schools get involved with the fire station?
  3. Do you offer first aid or CPR training to the community?
  4. What’s the key message you try to impart during community talks?
  5. How can the community assist in fire prevention?
  6. What’s the best way for residents to stay informed about fire safety?
  7. Are there volunteer opportunities within the fire service?
  8. How do you collaborate with local businesses on fire safety?
  9. Do you provide safety checks for community events?
  10. What role do firefighters play in local schools?
  11. How can someone organize a visit to the fire station?
  12. Are there activities for kids to learn about firefighting?
  13. How do you raise fire safety awareness within the community?
  14. What resources are available for home fire safety?
  15. Can the public donate to the fire department?
  16. How do you celebrate Fire Prevention Week?
  17. What’s the most effective way to spread fire safety awareness?
  18. Are there any common safety mistakes made by the community?
  19. How does the fire department impact the local area beyond emergencies?

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the sleeping arrangement for firefighters during a shift?

Firefighters have unique sleeping arrangements while on duty, ready to respond to emergencies at a moment’s notice. Visitors often learn about how firefighters manage to rest despite needing to be prepared for immediate action.

How do firefighters ensure victim comfort and safety during rescues?

Blankets are a critical part of a firefighter’s equipment, used to shelter victims from the elements and provide comfort during rescue operations. A visit to the fire station can shed light on how firefighters take care of citizens in distress.

What’s the process for cleaning and maintaining firefighting gear?

Firefighters must keep their gear clean to ensure their safety and effectiveness in the field. A talking point during a fire station tour might be the specialized cleaning procedures and maintenance routines for their protective suits and equipment.

Final Thoughts

Firefighters are some of the bravest and most selfless people in our communities. They put their lives on the line every day to keep us safe, and they do it with courage and grace under pressure.

Visiting a fire station is a great way to learn more about these everyday heroes and to get an inside look at what their lives are really like. So go ahead and plan a trip—you’re sure to gain a new appreciation for firefighters!

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Jessa Claire is a registered healthcare provider. Music lover. Daydreamer. Thalassophile. Foodie. A hardworking Capricorn. Most days, an incurable empath. An old soul. Down-to-earth. Vibrant. When she's not writing, she can be seen relaxing with headphones on or engrossed in her favorite fan fiction book.