If you’re on a journey of spiritual growth, congratulations! It’s a beautiful and rewarding path to take. Although it may be fraught with challenges, it will ultimately lead you to a greater understanding of yourself, your place in the universe, and your connection to all that is.
To help you on your path, we’ve compiled a list of questions that you can ask yourself for spiritual growth. Meditate on these queries, journal about them, or discuss them with a trusted friend or spiritual guide. No matter how you choose to explore them, we hope they will lead you to new insights and a deeper understanding of your spiritual truth.
99 Questions that will help you on your spiritual journey:
- What does spiritual growth mean to me?
- How can I become more spiritually attuned to myself?
- In what ways am I currently connected to the Divine or a higher power?
- How can I develop my personal relationship with the Divine or a higher power?
- Who are my spiritual mentors and role models?
- How would I describe my spiritual beliefs?
- What are my values?
- How do I define happiness?
- What brings me joy?
- What breaks my heart?
- Who or what do I admire?
- Who do I turn to for guidance?
- How do I connect with the divine?
- In what ways do I experience synchronicities?
- When do I feel most alive?
- Who are my spiritual teachers?
- In what ways am I called to grow spiritually?
- Am I resisting any aspects of my spirituality? If so, why?
- How can I heal my relationship with religion?
- Do I need to let go of anger or resentment related to spirituality?
- If so, who or what do I need to forgive?
- Can I let go of limiting beliefs related to spirituality? What might those be?
- Where am I holding myself back spiritually? Why might that be?
- Is there anything else that’s getting in the way of my spiritual growth?
- What is it and how can I overcome it?
- How can I continue to grow spiritually each day?
- What steps can I take to accomplish this?
- What’s my concept of God or the divine?
- Do I consider myself religious or spiritual? Why or why not?
- How do I express my spirituality?
- What’s important to me in life?
- Am I living in accordance with my values and beliefs?
- How do I treat myself? Others? Animals? The environment?
- Do I have any unresolved anger, resentment, or bitterness? If so, why am I holding on to it?
- Do I have any fears or anxieties that I need to address? If so, why do they torment me?
- What makes me feel happy? Sad? Angry? Anxious? Jealous?
- Why do these feelings arise in me?
- What are some of the biggest challenges I’ve faced in life?
- How have I overcome them or how am I currently working to overcome them?
- Who or what has been the greatest influence in my life?
- Why were they influential?
- What am I grateful for in my life?
- Is there something weighing on my conscience that I need to address? If so, what can I do to make things right?
- Do I forgive others easily or do I hold grudges?
- If I don’t forgive easily, why not and what can I do to change that about myself moving forward?
- What’s true happiness and how can I achieve it more regularly in my own life?
- How can I develop a more positive attitude toward life overall?
- Is there anything important from the past that still affects me negatively today?
- How can I best show compassion to others and myself in everyday life?
- Who or what do you turn to when you need comfort?
- Why do you think you were put on this earth?
- When was the last time you felt truly connected to something or someone greater than yourself?
- What does love mean to you?
- What parts of your life are you most grateful for?
- What parts of your life would you wish were different?
- If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
- Do you think there’s such a thing as objective reality, or is everything relative?
- Do you believe that everything happens for a reason, or is life ultimately random?
- What do you think happens after death?
- Are there any topics or areas of life that you’re afraid or uncomfortable talking about openly? Why do you think that is?
- When was the last time someone really questioned your beliefs or opinions about something important? How did it make you feel?
- Did it change your perspective in any way?
- Have there been moments in your life when everything seemed to fall into place and everything made sense, even if only for a brief moment?
- If money didn’t matter and you could do anything in the world, what would you do?
- What are you thinking and feeling now, at this moment?
- What was your childhood like?
- Did you grow up in a religious or spiritual household?
- If so, what were those beliefs or practices?
- If not, how did you get involved with religion or spirituality?
- What experiences have you had that have influenced your beliefs?
- Do you pray or meditate? If so, what’s that experience like for you? If not, why not?
- What role does community play in your spiritual life?
- Who do you turn to when you need support, guidance, or advice?
- How has your spirituality changed over time? In what ways has it remained the same?
- What challenges do you face in your spiritual life? How do you overcome them?
- What brings you joy in your spiritual practice?
- How do you envision a perfect life (spiritually speaking)?
- Do you think this is possible or realistic for you? Why or why not?
- Do you believe that everyone has a responsibility to be spiritual or religious? Why or why not?
- How important are theological questions like “Who is God?” and “What happens after we die?” in shaping your spirituality?
- Do members of your family or community express their spirituality differently than you do?
- How does that affect your relationship with them (if at all)?
- Do you think animals and nature can be religious or spiritual beings? In what ways (if any)?
- Is there anything in your life that you consider sacred? Why is it sacred to you?
- Do you believe that science and religion are complementary or conflicting worldviews? Why do you believe this (if at all)?
- Are there people in history who inspire or influence your spirituality/beliefs?
- Why do they inspire/influence you, spiritually speaking?
- In what ways (if any) has music impacted or shaped your spirituality/beliefs?
- Why is it important to make time for spirituality?
- What distracts you from focusing on your spirituality?
- How can you reduce or eliminate these distractions?
- What are some dark aspects of yourself that you need to work on spiritually?
- What’s forgiveness and why is it important?
- How do negative feelings such as anger, envy, hatred, and jealousy affect your spiritual growth?
- How can you overcome challenges and obstacles on your spiritual path?
- Have you experienced personal transformation because of your spirituality?
- If so, how has it changed your life for the better? If not, what do you need to do to facilitate such a change?
- In what ways are you called to serve others through your spirituality?
- Are you living spiritually in alignment with your highest self?
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I build my spiritual life?
Building your spiritual life is important to develop a strong sense of meaning and purpose in your life. One of the best ways to build and strengthen your spiritual life is through activities that nourish your mind, body, and soul.
These include things like mindfulness or meditation, spending time in nature, reading uplifting books or articles, or spending time with people who inspire you and bring you joy. Whatever activities you choose, make time for them regularly to deepen your relationship with yourself and the world around you.
With dedication and commitment, it’s possible to build a strong spiritual life that will help you live a more fulfilling, meaningful, and joyful life.
What are the stages of spiritual growth?
The stages of spiritual growth refer to the different phases that someone goes through as they embark on their spiritual journey and seek to deepen their connection to God. The first stage, called the purgative stage, is characterized by the need for cleansing and purification, as well as a growing awareness of one’s own faults and failings.
The second stage, called the illuminative stage, is a time of greater insight and understanding of the divine mysteries. In this stage, the focus shifts away from looking inward at their own shortcomings, but to God and His intentions for them.
Finally, the unitive stage marks a deep connection with God, in which one has the feeling of being completely immersed in His love and light. This is often accompanied by feelings of peace and fulfillment and leads to greater meaning in life.
What is the purpose of spiritual growth?
The purpose of spiritual growth is to deepen our understanding and connection with the Divine. In the purgative stage, we work to remove obstacles and blockages that prevent us from fully engaging in our spiritual nature.
In the illuminative stage, we begin to experience more fully our union with the Divine through practices such as meditation, prayer, and contemplation. And in the unitive stage, we reach a state of complete oneness with the Divine and live in harmony with ourselves and the world around us.
Through this process of spiritual growth, we’re able to deepen our understanding of ourselves, connect with something greater than ourselves, and find peace and fulfillment in our lives.
Asking yourself tough questions is an essential part of any journey to growth, including the spiritual path. By taking the time to reflect on your spiritual beliefs, practices, and values, you can gain more clarity about who you are and what you want from life. Use these questions as a starting point for your own spiritual exploration!